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1017 B

select gca00c,gca01c,FCardTypeId
INTO #Card
FROM fromserver.ZYSDSH029.dbo.gcm01
WHERE gca00c = gca13d
AND gca08i = 1
AND FCardTypeId != '0'
GROUP BY gca00c,gca01c,FCardTypeId
INSERT INTO TCardPresetSection(FId,FSectionNo,FCompId,FCardTypeId,FSalePrice,FAcctId,FDeposit,FAcctId2,FDeposit2,FTotal,FUsed,FDisabled,FCreatorId,FCreateTime,FMemo)
SELECT dbo.FNNewId(),dbo.FNNewId(),dbo.FNCompId('C'+gca00c),FCardTypeId,C.FPrice,3,C.FDeposit,0,0,0,0,0,1,getdate(),'µ¼Èë'
FROM #Card AS A,TMemberCardType AS C
WHERE C.FId = A.FCardTypeId
AND dbo.FNCompId('C'+gca00c) is not null
GROUP BY gca00c,FCardTypeId,FPrice,FDeposit
delete TCardPresetSection WHERE FCardTypeId IN(SELECT FCardTypeId FROM #Card)
SELECT * FROM ZZYINS026..gam10 WHERE FId IN(6191112617464699755)
INSERT TCardPresetDetail(FSectionId,FCardNo,FStatus)
SELECT B.FId,A.gca01c,1
FROM #Card AS A,TCardPresetSection AS B
WHERE dbo.FNCompId('C'+gca00c) = B.FCompId
AND A.FCardTypeId = B.FCardTypeId