use master go drop database Inventory go Create database Inventory go use Inventory go Create table inventory ( TitleId nvarchar(6) not null, Quantity int not null, primary key (TitleId,Quantity) ); go insert inventory values ('pc1001',100); insert inventory values ('pc1002',200); insert inventory values ('pc1003',300); insert inventory values ('pc1004',400); --------- exec sp_executesql N'SELECT AS [Name], ''Server[@Name='' + quotename(CAST(serverproperty(N''Servername'') AS sysname),'''''''') + '']'' + ''/Database[@Name='' + quotename(db_name(),'''''''') + '']'' + ''/ServiceBroker'' + ''/MessageType[@Name='' + quotename(,'''''''') + '']'' AS [Urn], mt.message_type_id AS [ID] FROM sys.service_message_types mt WHERE (CAST(case when mt.message_type_id < 65536 then 1 else 0 end AS bit)=@_msparam_0) ORDER BY [Name] ASC',N'@_msparam_0 nvarchar(4000)',@_msparam_0=N'0' IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.service_message_types WHERE name = '//saidao/types/perf') BEGIN Create Message Type [//saidao/types/perf] END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.service_message_types WHERE name = '//saidao/types/perf_response') BEGIN Create Message Type [//saidao/types/perf_response] END --- --创建合约 IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.service_contracts WHERE name = '//saidao/contracts/perf_contract') BEGIN Create contract [//saidao/contracts/perf_contract] ( [//saidao/types/perf] sent by initiator, [//saidao/types/perf_response] sent by target ); END --创建队列与服务 IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.service_queues WHERE name = 'perf_queue') BEGIN create queue [perf_queue]; create service [//saidao/services/perf] on queue [perf_queue] ( [//saidao/contracts/perf_contract] ); END --发送消息到消息队列中 use Inventory go --send message begin transaction declare @dialog_id uniqueidentifier begin dialog conversation @dialog_id from service [//saidao/services/perf] to service '//saidao/services/perf' on contract [//saidao/contracts/perf_contract] with encryption = off; send on conversation @dialog_id message type [//saidao/types/perf] ( ' pc1001 pc1001 102 ' ); commit transaction; --发送成功后,可以查询 inventory_queue select conversation_handle, cast(message_body as xml) as conversation_body from [perf_queue] --其中conversation_body 就是 我们发出的信息了。 -- 从 inventory queue 中获取信息并更新数据 use inventory go begin transaction declare @dialog_id uniqueidentifier declare @message_body xml declare @amount int; declare @title nvarchar(128); receive @dialog_id = conversation_handle, @message_body = message_body from [dbo].[perf_queue] print 'handle is' + cast(@dialog_id as nvarchar(90)) print 'message body is' + cast(@message_body as nvarchar(max) ) if(@dialog_id is not null) begin set @amount = @message_body.value('(/InventoryUpdate/Quantity)[1]','int'); set @title = @message_body.value('(/InventoryUpdate/TitleId)[1]','nvarchar(100)'); print 'a:'+cast(@amount as nvarchar(100)) print 'b:'+@title; Update inventory set Quantity = @amount where TitleId = @title; end end conversation @dialog_id; commit transaction ; --接下来做个自动监听功能,只要有信息发送到队列,相关队列,就可以自动执行功能. --首先建立个存储过程,(把receive 中的那段代码拿过来就可以了) use Inventory go --create procedure to receive message and update table create proc InventoryProc as begin transaction declare @dialog_id uniqueidentifier declare @message_body xml declare @amount int; declare @title nvarchar(128); waitfor( receive @dialog_id = conversation_handle, @message_body = message_body from [dbo].[perf_queue]),timeout 50000; print 'handle is' + cast(@dialog_id as nvarchar(90)) print 'message body is' + cast(@message_body as nvarchar(max) ) if(@dialog_id is not null) begin set @amount = @message_body.value('(/InventoryUpdate/Quantity)[1]','int'); set @title = @message_body.value('(/InventoryUpdate/TitleId)[1]','nvarchar(100)'); print 'a:'+cast(@amount as nvarchar(100)) print 'b:'+@title; Update inventory set Quantity = @amount where TitleId = @title; end end conversation @dialog_id; commit transaction; go --队列监听 alter queue [perf_queue] with activation( status = on, procedure_name= InventoryProc, max_queue_readers=2, execute as self ); go 完成后,只要发送队列信息后,就可以了 PS: 我们定义了 两个队列 还有个 inventory client queue 这个队列保存的是成功或者error 提示。用receive 方法也可以提取出来。 复制代码 代码如下: select message_type_name from [perf_queue]